Friday, August 24, 2007

Dec. 26, 2005

[ Mood: Neutral ]
[ Listening to Children [Techno Remix] - Robert Miles Currently: Listening to Children [Techno Remix] - Robert Miles ]

Hello everyone,

Just thought i'd update. It's 5 o'clock in the morning and i have only slept for 4 hours in the last 2 days...crazy stuff.

The other night, plan to watch "King Kong" was postponed because few girls started whining about the length of the movie. :Sigh: Girls!!! 2a

Got Need for Speed: Most Wanted Black Edition! Freakin' awesome game! I have been playing it for last couple addictive. It's about same or better than Need for Speed: Underground 2. Of course, there are few minor differences, graphics are much cooler. When using Nitrous Oxide, the environment seems kinda windy and looks very real and awesome. Other racers are also very involved in the game, talking more trash than ever...which makes it better and challenging. I must admit that as much fun this game is, it also gets pretty irritating because so much time needed to finish it. I have spent more than 10 hours into it and only managed to complete 14% of the entire game...and i'm very good at this game! So yeah, you get the idea!

More and more movies:
Revenge of the Nerds: Heard about it from my friends, so had to watch it. Old, but pretty funny movie...
Hero: Two words - JET LI! Come on, how can you not like the movie? He's about the best Martial Arts actor...such an awesome movie.
Unleashed: Again, Jet Li! Pretty good movie...
Fist of Legend: One of my favorites, the ultimate Martial Arts fun...a must watch!
Out of Time: One of the worst movies of Denzel Washington...horrible plot. Get something else...
Starsky and Hutch: Pretty funny movie...gotta love Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn and better yet, Will Ferrell and Snoop Dogg. 1Happy "I know some people that know some people that robbed some people." "You dig?" 1p
Star Wars: Attack of the Clones: Not the best of the series for sure, but had nothing else to watch.
The Office: Season One [British Version]: It is seriously the funniest television show i have ever seen. If you've never seen, please go rent it or something. It will make your day much better, i promise!

There are some more but i can't remember...oh well!

Peter: I'll give you $40 for that coffin.
Store Owner: Sir, this casket is $1,000.
Peter: I'll give you $2,000.
Store Owner: Sir, that's double what it costs.
Peter: $60.
Brian [to the store owner]: He doesn't know how to haggle.

Random thought: iPod is one of the greatest inventions...ever!

Just in case if i don't write before 31st, Happy New Year! 1Happy

- Abhinav

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